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Light Sleeper - Izzy MacArthur

Izzy MacArthur’s Light Sleeper captures the anxiety of nightmarish moments, exploring the urge to wake or escape through time.

Izzy MacArthur’s Light Sleeper delves deep into the disquieting world of restless nights and anxious thoughts. The song paints a vivid picture of struggling to wake from nightmares or grappling with real-life moments that feel just as unsettling. There’s an underlying sense of urgency woven throughout, a longing to escape from the fears that lurk in the dark corners of the mind. The lyrics explore what it means to be a light sleeper, someone perpetually on edge, as if waiting to be jolted awake by the next unsettling thought or dream.

“All the silence is way too loud. Need a time machine to any place but now. Oh, I've been a light sleeper, I've been a light sleeper."

Beyond the theme of nightmares, Light Sleeper also taps into a desire to escape time itself—hinting at the impossibility of rewinding or fast-forwarding through life’s troubling moments. The song carries a sense of searching for a way out, using time as a potential refuge from haunting memories or regrets. MacArthur’s delicate yet haunting melodies reflect the fragility of the human mind when facing sleepless nights and the inner turmoil that keeps someone on the brink of consciousness, caught between sleep and wakefulness.

Review by James Theocharous


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